To automate and simplify the job search
Land job interviews 20x faster
Our career support program offers a seamless journey toward your professional goals. Beginning with a complimentary resume review session, we ensure your application materials are polished and optimized. Every week, you receive a custom list of job opportunities tailored to your preferences and skills. We handle the tedious task of applying for positions on your behalf, streamlining the process and saving you time. As a result, you receive interview opportunities, enabling you to focus on showcasing your qualifications and securing your desired role.

Choose a plan that fits your needs
starter plan
- 30-minute initial consultation & resume review
- 200 applications per month
- Dedicated human analyst
- Analyst support
complete plan
- Everything in Advance
- Total of 1,000 applications per month (including LinkedIn Easy Applies)
- Resume customizations
- Daily job monitoring
- Additional premium services
Advance Plan
- Everything in Starter
- An additional 200 applications per month (total of 400 applications/month)
- Deep job targeting (H1B opportunities, specific industries, non-profits)
Live analyst support
(6 hour turnaround)
Frequently Asked
Questions is the only way job seekers can achieve the volume without loss of quality in their job application process.
With nearly a quarter million layoffs in the Tech industry, and more on the way, the job market is intensely competitive. The end to end cycle time from application to offer is anywhere from 3-6 months. Its critical that you take a high volume high momentum job search strategy to have the best shot of not only landing a job but one that is like.
Taking a high volume application strategy will ensure you have interviews stacked up in a set of weeks of months close together, and therefore job offers coming to you around the same time and thus giving you best chances of maximizing your offers.
The ROI of our service is very high even if subscribed for 2-3 months.
Our services use a combination of machines, humans and good processes to essentially scale out the impact you as a single person can have on your application process over a very short period of time.
Try us out!
While we strive to make all our clients happy, if for any reason you are not, you can cancel anytime – no questions asked. We will even refund your subscription fee for the week in which you cancel. We have helped hundreds of clients with a very high satisfaction rate and we are confident that our services will also add value to you.
Unfortunately we no longer offer a free trial. However, we will happily refund your first week’s subscription if for any reason you would like to cancel.